CMMU Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

SDG 8: Decent work and Economic Growth

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

Research and PUBLICATIONs


in international journal
since 2018

Teaching and Learning


related to SDGs
since 2018

EVENTs and Practices


related to SDGs
since 2018

Research and Publication

  • 1. Exploring Relationships among Sustainability Organizational Culture Components at a Leading Asian Industrial Conglomerate., Sustainability (Switzerland) Vol.13, No.4, Article number 1733
  • 2. The effects of renewable and nonrenewable energy consumption on the ecological footprint: the role of environmental policy in BRICS countries, Environmental Science and Pollution Research Vol.28, No.22, PP.27885-27899
  • 3. The Effects of Employee Learning, Knowledge, Benefits, Satisfactions on Employee Performance and Career Growth in the Hospitality Industry, Sustainability (Switzerland) Vol.13, No.8, Article Number 4101
  • 4. How National Context Indirectly Influences Instructional Leadership Implementation: The Case of Israel, Educational Administration Quarterly Vol.57, No.3, PP.437-469
  • 5. Factor Influencing Employee Engagement: Evidence from Thai SMEs, Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences Vol.42, No.3, PP.482-488
  • 6. A test of the sustainability vision theory: Is it practical?, Sustainability (Switzerland) Vol.13, No.14, Article number 7534
  • 7. COVID-19 impacts and sustainability strategies for regional recovery in southeast Asia: Challenges and opportunities, Sustainability (Switzerland) Vol.13, No.16, Article number 8907
  • 8. Science Mapping of the Knowledge Base on Sustainable Human Resource Management 1982-2019. Sustainability (Switzerland), 11(14), Article number 3938
  • 9. Science Mapping of the Global Knowledge Base on Microfinance: Influential Authors and Documents, 1989–2019. Sustainability (Switzerland), 11(14), Article number 3883.
  • 10. The management of reputational risks in banks: Findings from Germany and Switzerland. SAGE Open, 9(3), 1-15.
  • 11. Exploring a Thai ‘sufficiency’ approach to corporate sustainability. International Journal of Business Excellence, 18(1), 1-21.
  • 12. Sustainable Social Enterprise Model: Relationships and Consequences. Sustainability (Switzerland), 11(14), Article number 3772.
  • 13. Sustainable leadership and entrepreneurship for corporate sustainability in small enterprises: an empirical analysis. World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 15(1-2), 256-275.
  • 14. Taking the long view on resilience and sustainability with 5Cs at B. Grimm. Global Business and Organizational Excellence, Vol. 38 No. 3 PP. 11-17 March/April 2019
  • 15. Business ethics and spirituality for corporate sustainability: a Buddhism perspective. Journal of Management, Spirituality and Religion, 16(3), 264-289.
  • 16. Increasing entrepreneurial intention with the application of experiential learning theory: An innovative learning method and empirical test. Asia Pacific Social Science Review, 18(2), 1-15.

Teaching and Learning

Events and Practices

For More information

College of Management Mahidol University

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69 Vipawadee Rangsit Road
Samsennai, Phayathai District,
Bangkok, Thailand 10400
Tel: 662 206 2000 Fax: 662 206 2090
  • 662 206 2000 ext. 5808